
The Trinity College Digital Repository
is 10 Years Old!

Celebrating faculty scholarship by the numbers:

Open Access flyer

Why Open Access?


  • OA works are more easily discoverable and cited more often, which raises the visibility of Trinity scholarship.
  • 确保信誉最好的网投十大平台的研究广泛可及,符合信誉最好的网投十大平台对全球参与和对公平的承诺的关注.
  • 我们今天对可持续学术出版模式的共同投资,将确保下一代信誉最好的网投十大平台的学生能够继续获得他们所需的信息. 
  • 开放获取允许教师更快速、更轻松地与同事联系和协作, increasing their effectiveness and scholarly impact. 

How to publish work as Open Access and unlock your scholarship

New! 三一图书馆以多种方式支持开放获取出版计划. 我们还订阅了一些出版商,他们将放弃APC为三一作者. Find out more


  • Submit your work to a Diamond Open Access journal. Diamond OA does not require Authors to pay to publish, nor does it require subscriptions to read, resulting in a more equitable publishing system. These journals are usually independently funded through non-profits, libraries, academic societies, and other investors. Go to doaj.org 并将搜索限制在不收取APC费用的期刊上,以查找Diamond OA出版物的简短列表. 


  • Publish your work for free in the journal of your choice, but deposit a post-print (author’s manuscript) copy in the Trinity College Digital Repository, which provides free web access beyond Trinity. 许多期刊出版商允许作者将同行评议后的文章手稿副本上传到其机构的存储库. 通过开放获取“政策”或“决议”的学院和大学通常会推广这种开放获取出版方法. You can look up your publisher’s policies by searching the Sherpa/Romeo database.  then submit your work directly to the Digital Repository.


Submitting the work to a hybrid journal will make your work OA, but it results in additional expenses for academic institutions. Many journals from the big publishers are hybrid, 根据作者是否支付了APC,期刊卷中的内容可以是付费的,也可以是开放获取的. 同时拥有作者资助开放获取和付费内容的期刊意味着同一机构可以为期刊文章支付两次费用. This model is the least sustainable.

你也可以尝试提前与你的期刊或专著出版商协商,以保留你的版权. Read more about this from SPARC and use their Author Addendum with publishers.

Learn more

Pre-Print vs. Post-Print: What’s the Difference?

  • Preprint: 预印本是提交给期刊的手稿的原始版本. Usually, these are .doc files with minimal formatting or typesetting.
  • Postprint: postprint是经过同行评审的手稿, but has not yet been subjected to the final copyediting, formatting, and typesetting by the publisher. Usually, post-prints look like .doc files. Sometimes this version is referred to as the accepted manuscript version.
  • Version of Record: The version of record, sometimes called the publisher’s version or final version, is the version that is published on the publisher’s website. 它是专业的格式,看起来比预印本或后印本更专业. Himmelfarb图书馆通过doi链接到记录版本,并在目录中“查找它@ Himmelfarb”链接.

Review this bibliography of selected readings 关于开放获取和目前使用的财务模型中一些固有的公平问题, particularly the author-pays model.

DEI in Scholarly Communication from University of California. 在学术出版中探索和采取DEI问题的资源. 

Resources for publishing and discovering OA works:

Faculty publications recently added to the Digital Repository

信誉最好的网投十大平台的机构库是一个数字档案,展示并提供信誉最好的网投十大平台社区成员的学术和创造性作品. Works in the Repository are open to anyone on or off campus, resulting in increased readership and visibility.